The only way you can find how I REALLY feel

Check here if you want to see my complaints, problems and solutions...cuz I is one crazy lady...

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

back in the day

Thought for the week

Dogs have masters, cats have staff....

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This Blog
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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Yesterday I...

Do you ever sit down and just think of the things you have in the short life you have lived??? Of course you do...everyone does. I have been lately, thinking of my family most of all. I miss my husband because I am in Utah. I am in Utah because of my sister and brother in law. I miss my grandbabies in Ca and I think of my brothers and sisters all around the world.

The biggest thing I've been thinking of is the constant promptings of Heavenly Father of how we must live our lives to be with him. I've read three books in the Book of Mormon, not to race through them, but because of the fascination they have provided me these last few weeks. I am thankful for the blessings and explainations that he provides to us. How simple the doctrine is...Live like you are with Heavenly Father, do the right things to gain eternal simple..yet, so hard.

We as a family, have been dealing with struggles and tragedies, the main one is the curse of cancer in the life of my brother in law. Admonitions and notices are constantly sent out through facebook, phone and blog posts of how advanced his cancer is..Also, information about future plans of a temple visit and a celebration of his life are prominent in these modes of information.

Rick will go the way of all the earth, to be with Heavenly Father and also to fulfill an important calling. He is looking forward to being with his late family again, and also trying to console his wife and children that everything will be all right... He is an awesome person, someone whom I am very proud and honored to know and have as part of my family...

Yesterday I was thinking of my own future, today? I am grateful for my past...


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I've seen this somewhere before...

Another blog site? yeah, this is for gripes, complaints and solutions related to the daily life of this somewhat perversely affected, brainfogged female..aka Jan...

I guess I need to find the original blog soon and add it to this new stuff...Today, has been a rough one for me.. Too much stuff is happening at once. I realize I do always the same thing, that is, I tend to rush through the struggle and changes only to find later that I need to show some type of reaction to how I feel.  This means I am mad today...mad as hell and wanting to do something about it. I guess I know the proper answer to this situation, pray and try to understand that this new health information is a good thing in the long run, and I also know I will down the road a bit, do this and go on...But TODAY!! I AM MAD... sorry people...but can't deny how I feel...

I asked for this situation because I wanted to get my health in order. Losing weight, surgery (stomach by-pass or bariatric surgery), controlling my cholesterol, borderline diabetes, weight, fibro..and last but not least, my depression. I told me that when I got insurance, I wanted to find out everything that was wrong with me was going to be taken care of and I have great doctors that are helping me..That part is awesome to say the least. Support from friends and family and the church helps also. So, what do I need to do? GET OVER IT>..quit feeling sorry for Jan Jan and get on with my my niece Dodi says. "Put on your big girl panties and get over it.." She is so right...and I will...after today