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Friday, June 15, 2012


is often used for personal gain. I tend to pray for others more than asking for myself. Somehow, I feel I don't deserve the assistance or the need. I know it's not true but I need to deal with that myself...through what else? Prayer. None the less, here's what I am writing about today.

I've noticed a lot of requests for prayer, especially in Facebook, and special notices I receive. I feel it is my duty to help and assist all those who I can. Perhaps it's kind of imposing for me to write this but, How many times do you promise each day or at least a few times a week, to pray for somebody. I know I do this quite a lot. By the end of the timeframe, I have at least a half dozen people to pray for. Since I have a very short memory (some say NO memory) I juxtapose and pray for all to have the needs of their hearts and lives. Sometimes I feel pretty good at that remark, others' I feel confused. I feel as if I have gipped someone of the personal one on one that I think they need to get their prayer answered. Then, I realize that as long as I am sincere, it doesn't really matter how I say the prayer because the true meaning is connecting to God and asking for the assistance.

These last few weeks, I have noticed that friends and family have had need of prayer. Perhaps it's because I have attuned myself to be in the right place at the right time, or maybe it's something for me to practice more often than I have in the past. I only hope I am worthy to ask for help for me sometimes, I know Satan is trying me and keeping me from realizing my needs and wants. Perhaps, if I get into praying sincerely for others as I try, I will be able to finally ask for the assistance I need for myself. My life has always been others first...Me last, but I know Heavenly Father says to take care of your needs, then your children, your mate and finally the rest of the world, family and friends included.

I guess that means I have it backwards...I hope that it's all good for everyone, and I will be more honestly asking for the help I need. After all, he has done so much for me even if I'm not asking. What more will he do if I just ask? Also, follow up the prayer with supplication and more prayer...If you really want something, you really must work for it..

Using faith, we can attain a better understanding of prayer and what it really means...Listen to your heart and always remember, prayer is never meaningless and always a necessity...Prayer is the way to communicate with God..People make jokes about cell phone, texts and Heavenly Father, but if you put as much work into prayer as you do with the technology... our line is always open and we never have dropped calls...

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